The fashion industry is hands down one of the worst industries for human rights on the planet. At any one time there may be up to 170 million children working in the industry. This is why all of our makers from outerwear to neck jocks are certified with social compliance with current audit certificates. We go the extra mile with Fairtrade. Every single person in the supply chain back to the cotton farm works in a certified fair workplace.
Without exception, every supplier holds a current SA8000 or BSCI (or equivalent) social compliance certificate with current audits and reports that meet our standards.

We believe that the time has passed for business as usual. It is very clear to us that we cannot continue to operate as a business the way businesses in the past have run. Our planet's resources are finite. They are running out. As a species we are taking far more than we are giving back.
So, we’re doing something about it. Bucking the trend and the status quo and imposing an environmental tax on ourselves to make sure we are supporting environmental activists, organisations and heroes (in our eyes) who are out there making sure we’re doing our best to replenish what we are taking. This is a self imposed tax on revenue (not profits, every dollar) that gets donated to audited environmental NGO’s around the globe.