Yuki Birds Falls Creek 2022

What to join us, but not yet signed up? 

Come join us on Saturday the 16th of July at Falls Creek! For more info and registration, click here.

What’s happening on the day: 

Saturday 16th of July at 9.30am, we’re all going to meet up at the top of Panorama Park (about one-third of the way down Drover). Look out for the yellow Yuki Flag! Here we’ll hand out some goodies to keep you cruising throughout the day, and you'll have a chance to meet some new peeps and slap hi 5's with you group leaders.

We will then break into groups, so have a think about what you might like to do for the day.

  • Beginner Park: If you've never been in the park before but are keen to give it a whirl, then today is the day ⭐️
  • Intermediate Park: Confident hitting some boxes, rails, or tubes? Get ready for a solid progression session 🔥
  • All Mountain: Keen to search for side hits, find some tree runs or just fang it down some groomers 🤙

We will break for lunch around 12:30pm, but not before our group photo and party lap!

For those who want to keep shredding after lunch, grab your new mates and get out there! You will see our crew still kicking about the park so be sure to come ride a lap with us.

Our mates at Bob Sugar have teamed up with the legends at Bacardi to create a special Yuki Birds cocktail, on the house, just for you! Onya Bob 🙌 So head down to Apartment 3 (in Elk) at 4pm to cheers your new mates and reminisce on all the hilarious stacks from the day. Door prizes at apres for everyone that joins, including a Yuki Bib, some goggles plus a heap more!

One other rad thing about the day is it’s all going to be shot by a couple of professional photographers! These guys are here for you so don’t be shy to sing out and ask them to get a shot of you and your new pals hanging out, shredding the hill, or sipping your free cocktails! All of these shots will be put in the Yuki Birds Facebook group for you to share as you like after the event! Don’t forget to give a shout-out and tag all the legends that have supplied us with goodies throughout the day. 

To stay updated across the day: 

Make sure you join our Falls Creek Yuki Birds Facebook Page, where we'll be updating you across the day with what we're doing and where we're at!

Keen to deck yourself out for the day?

Look the real deal on the day, and grab some Yuki swag with a special Yuki Birds deal to get 15% off. Just use the code BIRDS15 at checkout (one time use, valid until 08/08/2022).

We also highly suggest you wear a helmet. Keep the noggins safe team, they’re important.

If for some reason you can’t make it on the weekend, please let us know. Yep, we will be super bummed but if you let us know we can offer your spot to someone else who can come and have an epic time for you!

Can’t wait to see you on Saturday the 16th of July!